Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I developed my film! Well, some of it.

I developed three rolls of film from my San Franciso trip. Here are some of my favorites from those rolls. I still have a few more to develop. Will add more pictures soon.

You can click on the pics to get a larger view.

Waterfall in the Japanese Tea Gardens.

Looking up a tall tree...

Upside down.

Looking up a tree...again...

Golden Gate Park gardens...

D and I.

A stream in Muir woods.

Guess what this is a picture of...

More of those flowers I love that grow in Golden Gate Park.

Mike and Laura Toonstyle.

The Golden Gate Bridge and Me.

Yet another pic of Japanese Tea Garden pond...

A small view of pond in Japanese Tea Garden.

This lantern was a gift from children in Japan to the Golden Gate Park.

Japanese Garden...toony

manicured trees are nice...

Another grouping of trees. A gaggle of 'em if you will.

I like this photo of the woods.

Bulbous moss.

Redwood in Muir Woods.

"Don't talk to me. I'm on the phone."

One of the buildings in the Japanese Tea Garden.

Japanese Tea Garden cartoon style.

The Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park in cartoony vision.

A cartoony version of a picture of a redwood.

Another Token Bridge shot.

Another token bridge shot.

The Golden Gate Bridge. I like how this pic turned out.

Just a rock. This view is from right over the Golden Gate Bridge.

This is the photo of a slice 'o Redwood. This tree was a 1000 years old before it fell...of natural causes. Death by El Nino. The tops of the trees were covered in ice from a storm, and because of this a crack formed in the mighty 'ol tree. The crack split more over the Summer, then one day a ranger 2 miles away heard the tree as it slammed and crashed into the Earth.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

San Francisco Photo Blog

The source photos of the following images were taken by Laura Hoffmann (www.geocities.com/hoffrooe) . I've manipulated them in various photoshop-like programs. Hopefully, soon I'll have my film devolped and I can update this photoblog of my trip to San Francisco. All of the photos in this blog should be click-and-zoomable. (If zoomable was a word...)

D and I in front of the Plant Conservatory in Golden Gate Park. Cartoon Style.

San Francisco sky line viewed from just across the Golden Gate Bridge. Comic Book style.

All of us inside a Redwood. Good times.

this is photo was taken looking up inside a hollowed out Redwood.

Grouping of large Redwoods.

Me inside for perspective.

Japanese Tea Garden at Golden Gate Park.

Black and White of dead eucalyptus tree...

A rather eerie image of a dead eucalyptus tree.

We climbed up 1000 feet in about a mile. Going down was nice with these handy dandy steep stairs.

On the floor of Muir Woods. Yet another flower I must look up.

A small waterfall in Muir Woods.

A small wild Iris

Orchids distorted and turned into a painting of sorts.

Orchids distorted.

Mushrooms and clover in Muir Woods.

The moss was everywhere in Muir Woods. It was so vibrant against the dark, damp woods.

A zoomed in image of a tree in Muir Woods. I played a lot with contrasts and exposures.

A trumpet/Datura type flower growing in Golden Gate park. There were plants from all around the world there.